Study The Stomach Pain of Baby Constipation a lot more
If you are a first time parent it is expected that you will notice every little thing about the baby, especially when it seems that something is even a tad bit out of sorts.
When your baby begins to experience bowel movements in which the stool is harder and firmer your infant may be experiencing baby constipation. If you ignore this little inconvenience, your baby typically begins to feel terribly uncomfortable when trying to have a bowel movement.
It is a well known fact that breastfed babies do not seem to experience as much constipation as formula fed babies. This seems to be related to the fact that the mother's breast milk is more easily digested by the infant's digestive system.
Breastfed babies are able to more easily digest the proteins in breast milk. This simple fact causes bowel movements to be looser and therefore, much easier for your baby to expel.
Formula fed babies seem to have more difficulty digesting the proteins in formula and so suffer more constipation than breast fed babies. When babies have trouble digesting what they are being fed this can lead to constipation, pain and irritability.
While it is not unusual for a little one to have a bowel movement two to three times a day, if you notice that your babe is more irritated or appears to be straining while trying to move their bowels or even if you note that your baby's stools have become hard and firm then you should intervene before constipation becomes a real issue for both you and your baby. Look for healthy and physician approved alternatives to help your baby have a comfortable and soft bowel movement.
Babies can experience abdominal pain if they are terribly constipated since the stool can become so hard and lodge in the intestines that it is simply too hard to pass. Even little ones can begin to subconsciously avoid having a bowel movement in hopes of avoiding the pain of constipation.
Some healthy alternatives to help your baby with constipation is to massage your child's abdomen.
Begin around the belly button area and massage the belly in outwards in circles while going in a clockwise motion. You may use a bit of lotion or massage oil to make this a more enjoyable encounter. You may find that your baby really enjoys this special massage so you can keep it up for a few minutes and enjoy the time together.
Pressure can also be relieved from your baby's tummy if you place the babe on their back, hold the legs upward and then gentle move them as if riding a bicycle.
A warm bath can also help your baby to relax. Think about how much you, as an adult, enjoy a soak in the warm tub. If you have tried all of these tricks to help your baby to have a bowel movement and find relief from constipation then you must contact your child's healthcare provider for medical advice about what to do next.
If your child is experiencing constipation and you are feeding your baby formula, make sure that you are mixing the formula according to the directions. You want to make sure your baby is staying well hydrated to help keep the stools soft. Your pediatrician may also suggest that you provide the baby with extra bottles of water during the day as well to increase their fluid intake.
Baby constipation can be a normal part of childhood; however, it is not something that you can ignore. Your baby is depending on your help. So be sure to consult with your child's healthcare provider for the course of treatment that he would prefer you follow for your child.
Baby constipation is best avoided in the first place, but if it does occur then you must intervene for your child's comfort.
For more important information on stomach pain visit where you'll find advice on common stomach pain causes such as constipation, ulcers, and more.
The Stomach Pain of Baby Constipation
Go through Should Toddlers Use a Colon Cleanse? extra
Should Toddlers Use a Colon Cleanse?
Constipation In InfantConstipation and digestive trouble is a problem not faced only by adults but even by toddlers. However, they might not be able to verbally express their problem, and thus there are certain symptoms you have to look in for. If the baby has to strain to much during bowel movement, has fear of bowel movement, or you see him passing hard dry stool, you can understand he/she is suffering from constipation. You may want to know, should toddlers use colon cleanse? Yes, the problem definitely needs to be treated even with the toddlers.
Dry, hard stools in infants is due to constipation, and is likely the result of low consumption of water and fluids, or the absence of enough fiber in food. You should always include the right amount of fiber in their diet, so that the problem does not crop up in the first place. Include pureed pumpkin, squash, carrots and sweet potatoes in their diet. These are fiber-rich vegetables, can be easily digested by toddlers in pureed form and add bulk to waste. You can also feed them with berries, oatmeal and pears or apple with skin.
You also have to make sure that your child is consuming lots of fluid. Water gets absorbed by the intestine into your body, and part of the water is used for the intestines to get lubricated, another part is left in stool, so that it can pass out easily. Including enough water would help make the process easy. Now surely your query, should toddlers use colon cleanse, has been answered, and you can take care of their health in a better way.
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Study Constipation Home Remedies Get it Right the First Time additional
Every now and then all of us suffer from occasional bouts with constipation. The reasons for this vary from person to person. Insufficient intake of fluids especially water is one of the causes that are repeated often by folks in the know. Other causes are not enough fiber intake, distress, and sometimes even the medications that are prescribed by physicians. Constipation home remedies are probably the most effective and desirable when everything is considered.
Just as there are many causes of constipation, there are also a good many remedies that are touted to cure the same. Over the years laxatives have been used routinely to get the bowels moving freely again, but in some cases those laxatives have caused their own problems as well. While relieving the problem temporarily, the underlying cause may not have been dealt with which can only set the sufferer up for another bout of constipation.
One of the best ways of dealing with the issue of constipation when there is no medical reason for it is to make sure that enough time is taken each day for elimination.
Rushing through toileting may not allow bodily functions to do their job effectively and therefore blocking the necessary processes that will avoid constipation in the first place. Eating a balanced diet which includes fiber is one of the better constipation home remedies that can assure oneself that elimination will proceed in an orderly manner.
Adding such fruits as plums and apples, dried fruits like dates and prunes to the diet will loosen the stool and make the elimination experience less stressful. Along with adequate amounts of water these additions to the diet are excellent constipation home remedies when in prevention mode or as a measure to get the bowels moving again.
Each person is different and must take into consideration which methods are best for themselves. As a rule, if constipation is an ongoing complication to their daily lives it would be best to consult with a physician to make sure that there is not a medical condition that is causing the constipation.
Once it is determined that there is no physical obstruction or other complication making deliberate changes to the diet should produce effective and ongoing constipation relief. To sum it up, enough time spend for toileting, adequate intake of fluid and plenty of fiber will usually bring about the desired results.
Constipation In InfantFind Out How To Get Rid Of Constipation Naturally. Go To: Constipation Relief at
Constipation Home Remedies Get it Right the First Time
Constipation In InfantRead Constipation Bad Breath additional
Bad breath is caused by anaerobic bacteria that live in the back of the tongue and other areas of the mouth not exposed to oxygen. Every person has over 170 different types of these anaerobic bacteria living in their mouths. Yet even so there are many people who go through life without bad breath even when they do little more than ordinary mouth care.
Therefore, bad breath must be caused by something more than just the presence of bacteria in the mouth.
Normally, the bacteria present in our mouth are responsible for the break down of proteins found in our diet, saliva, mucous and phlegm. During the process, they release volatile sulfur compounds as waste products. These volatile sulfur compounds are highly odorous but the smell is not noticeable in individuals without bad breath. It is only when under certain conditions that the bacteria break down proteins at a much higher rate and excrete volatile sulfur compounds that the odor becomes highly noticeable and offensive.
But in addition to bacteria in the mouth, bad breath may also be a symptom of a problem in the person's bowels. Constipation bad breath, for instance, occurs when there is irregularity in the person's digestive system, causing the stool to become hard and extremely difficult to eliminate. While the condition itself - constipation - is not considered a cause of bad breath, constipation bad breath can be an indirect signal that there is an imbalance in the body processes which must be corrected.
Constipation bad breath could be due to several causes from dietary to hormonal or be even a side effect of medications and anatomical. Incidentally, normal bad breath (that is, bad breath not caused by digestive problems) may also be due to a side effect of drugs you are taking, which could dry up the mouth, causing bad breath.
Treating constipation bad breath consists in treating the constipation itself. If the problem is dietary in nature, then changing your dietary habits, laxatives, and fiber therapy could help treat the constipation and in the process the symptom of constipation bad breath. Enemas and surgery though rare may also be used to treat acute cases of constipation.
In addition, nearly any form of bad breath is treatable just by improving oral hygiene. In fact, it is safe to say that almost all cases of bad breath have something to do with a lack of proper oral hygiene on the part of the person. You may brush your teeth every after meal but if you are not doing it properly, then dental tartar and food debris could still collect in your mouth, proving as breeding ground for bacteria to proliferate. Therefore, it is important that you also make some changes in your oral hygiene practices if you want to get rid of constipation bad breath.
ConstipationMilos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.
Constipation Bad Breath
ConstipationRead Constipation Symptoms a lot more
Constipation is a subjective feeling of insufficient evacuation of the bowel, and dry or painful passing of stool. There is a popular misconception that it is a must to have at least one bowel movement every day. Medical facts do not support this view.
There are no fixed Symptoms of Constipation except for persons having a serious underlying cause, where Constipation itself is a symptom of that problem. However, some general Constipation Symptoms are followed as guidelines. When the bowel movement is less than three times a week it is considered to be a symptom of Constipation. Other symptoms include hard and dry pellet-like stools, straining too much to pass stools, painful bowel movement, feeling of bloated stomach, uneasiness and sluggishness, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
When the patient suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the colon goes into spasms. This alternately causes Constipation and diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas and bloating. A physical examination may find local anorectal lesions, such as anal fissures, fistulae, strictures, cancer and thrombosed hemorrhoids and stenosis, abscess, rectal prolapse, bleeding, hernia, fecal retention or abdominal distention. In pelvic floor dysfunction the sphincter muscle of the anus tenses rather than relaxes when the patient attempts a bowel movement. In elderly woman a search may reveal a rectocele bulging into the vagina.
Apart from a physical examination, other examination procedures include blood tests (which may reveal hypothyroidism), abdominal x-rays, barium enemas, colonic transit studies, defecography, ano-rectal motility studies, colonic motility studies and more.
The history of the patients' Constipation may indicate various symptoms. It would include the factors like the time spent in the toilet to defecate, the changes - environmental and psychological - that have taken place prior to the onset of the problem, steps taken to control the problem, such as the use of laxatives (laxative abuse is one of the common cause of Constipation), other measures or behavior patterns adopted by the patient to facilitate bowel movements, and the psychological condition of the patient, where Constipation induces mental worries which in turn worsen the condition, in a vicious cycle.
Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].
Constipation Symptoms
Constipation In InfantExamine Home Remedies For Constipation - Chinese Style additional
These traditional Chinese home remedies for constipation are easy to prepare, safe and effective. Most of them are made from common ingredients with natural, bowel lubricating and moistening actions. Others are exercises and massage techniques you can do to help move your bowels. Also included here is advice on eliminating and relieving primary causes of constipation. This is absolutely necessary if you want to have regular bowel movements AND you want these home remedies for constipation relief to work well. After all, what's the point in taking a remedy for constipation while at the same time continuing to, for instance, eat foods that cause or contribute to the problem?
Natural Remedies and Constipation
Some of these are adult constipation remedies only, however some may be given to both adults and children. Start with a remedy you feel fits your particular needs and stick with it for a while. If you've also made some dietary and lifestyle modifications, as outlined below, and it still doesn't work then try another remedy. Be patient though - blocked, constipated bowels usually take months, or years, to manifest, so don't expect to reverse your condition overnight!
Home Remedies For Constipation
Remedy One: Honey Tea
Add 3 grams of green tea leaves and a tablespoon of honey to a mug of hot water. Wait several minutes. Drink warm after meals. Moistens the intestines and frees the stools. Particularly suitable for constipation in the elderly and constipation after child birth.
Remedy Two: Honey & Sesame Oil Drink
Add a tablespoon of honey and a dash of sesame oil to a mug of hot water. Stir well. Repeat every morning before breakfast. Moistens the intestines and frees the stools. Especially suitable for habitual constipation with dry stools.
Remedy Three: Sweet Mulberry Drink
Bring two bowls of water to the boil. Add 60 grams of fresh, ripe, dark mulberries. Continue boiling till one bowl of liquid is left. Strain the dregs, and add white or crystal sugar to taste. Drink frequently. Suitable for adults and children.
Remedy Four: Molasses Drink
Add two tablespoons of molasses to a glass of warm water and stir. Drink twice daily. One of the mildest yet most reliable home remedies for constipation. Suitable for adults and children - give children just one spoon of molasses though.
Remedy Five: Banana & Fig Smoothie
Not really a traditional Chinese home remedy for constipation but effective, and highly nutritious, all the same. Put 2 or 3 fresh figs or dates, a very ripe banana, a spoon of honey or molasses and a cup of water into a blender. Mix well and drink once a day or so. Suitable for adults and children.
Remedy Six: Senna Leaf Tea
Put 1-3 grams of Senna leaf in a mug and add hot water. Let steep for several minutes before drinking. One of the most powerful, natural home remedies for constipation. Good for moving hard stools with signs of heat in the body, e.g. a red face, feeling hot, bad breath, dark yellowish urine. Senna leaf is a strong laxative and not recommended for long term use, though, or during pregnancy or menstruation, or by those who are weak from illness or constitutionally weak.
Remedy Seven: Spinach Soup
Make a simple spinach and water soup and add a little salt. Another gentle yet effective home remedy for constipation relief - soothes and stimulates your bowels. You may also add carrot to the soup to further stimulate and soothe your bowels. Suitable for adults and children.
As mentioned, above, in addition to taking home remedies for constipation relief you should try to identify and eliminate the cause of your constipation. Diet is usually the primary cause, i.e. excessive eating of nutritionally dead foods such as white bread, cakes, cookies, pastries, candy, over cooked foods, over cooked meats and too many pasteurized dairy products like milk, all of which do little more than clog up your colon. The closer your food is to its natural state the better is for you AND your colon!
Emotional stress is another common cause of constipation. Breathing exercises and acupressure are simple yet highly effective ways to deal with stress, anxiety, negative emotions, nervousness and worry.
Constipation In InfantHere are some techniques you can start using right away:
Additionally, your body likes regularity so you should try to eat at set times and empty your bowels at set times, e.g. sit on the toilet every morning at the same time regardless of whether or not you feel you need to go.
To your health!
Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, now living in China. Websites: and
Home Remedies For Constipation - Chinese Style
Examine Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors extra
Constipation Fundamentals
Constipation is very bothersome condition and it can be rather embarrassing for the sufferer. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced it at some point of our lives.
Even though it can affect individuals in both genders, it is somewhat more common among women. The reason for this is that a woman's body has to go through several changes during her life, such as pregnancy and menopause.
When bowel movements become difficult or less frequent this is known as constipation. One of the most common gastrointestinal ailments is chronic constipation which no one wants to experience.
Common Causes of Constipation
When you are constipated, your bowel doesn't function the way it should. Constipation is rarely caused by some structural issues. Here are the most typical causes of constipation:
- The lack of fiber and water in your diet
- Too much dairy products like cheese and milk
- Psychological reasons, such as stress, eating disorder, and depression. Irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy can also be the culprits of constipation.
- Long periods of sitting
- Lack of exercise or mobility
- Ignoring the urge of having a bowel movement
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease
- Antacids that contain calcium and/or aluminum
- Antidepressants, iron pills, pain medicines
There are some typical constipation symptoms. Naturally, the most obvious one is difficulties to pass stool. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, and vomiting. Even though laxatives can be a quick solution to get relief from constipation, they should be used only as the last option. Frequent use of laxatives can cause loosening of the rectum which can cause more serious problems in the long run.
Dealing with Constipation Problems
People are using millions of dollars every year to laxatives in order to get relief from their constipation. However, if you want to obtain permanent results you should use natural constipation remedies. The easiest way to avoid constipation is to make sure that you drink enough water and follow healthy, high-fiber diet.
An infant may become constipated crying frequently due to pain in their tummy. A few things you may try are:
- If your baby is over two months old you can give him or her two or three ounces of fruit juice twice a day. For example, apple or grape juice often helps.
- If the baby is over 4 months old and is eating solid foods, try baby foods with a high-fiber content such as peaches, pears, plums, peas, beans, and prunes.
Every person's bowel movement in a day is different from the next. If it has been longer than three days without a bowel movement the stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass, which may then become an obstruction and more painful.
Other Constipation Causes
Intestinal obstructions with the normal functions of the bowel may occur in the following ways:
- Joining of tissues and inflamed adhesions
- A wedged gallstones
- Hernia in the abdomen
- Lead poisoning
Older adults are more likely to have constipation due to a poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids, lack of exercise, side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions, poor bowel habits, and the use of enemas and laxatives.
Constipation In InfantVisit to read more about constipation symptoms. You will also find great information regarding home remedies for constipation.