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Should Toddlers Use a Colon Cleanse?

Constipation In Infant

Constipation and digestive trouble is a problem not faced only by adults but even by toddlers. However, they might not be able to verbally express their problem, and thus there are certain symptoms you have to look in for. If the baby has to strain to much during bowel movement, has fear of bowel movement, or you see him passing hard dry stool, you can understand he/she is suffering from constipation. You may want to know, should toddlers use colon cleanse? Yes, the problem definitely needs to be treated even with the toddlers.

Dry, hard stools in infants is due to constipation, and is likely the result of low consumption of water and fluids, or the absence of enough fiber in food. You should always include the right amount of fiber in their diet, so that the problem does not crop up in the first place. Include pureed pumpkin, squash, carrots and sweet potatoes in their diet. These are fiber-rich vegetables, can be easily digested by toddlers in pureed form and add bulk to waste. You can also feed them with berries, oatmeal and pears or apple with skin.

You also have to make sure that your child is consuming lots of fluid. Water gets absorbed by the intestine into your body, and part of the water is used for the intestines to get lubricated, another part is left in stool, so that it can pass out easily. Including enough water would help make the process easy. Now surely your query, should toddlers use colon cleanse, has been answered, and you can take care of their health in a better way.

Visit FreeColonCleanse.org [http://www.freecoloncleanse.org/] for free colon cleansing advise. The best remedies for colon problems only at www.freecoloncleanse.org [http://www.freecoloncleanse.org/]